Traditional Process Improvement is linear in nature and practice Advanced PI "steps out" a bit and becomes "planer!"
I have always questioned why...Extreme advocates and practitioners demand adherance to a linear methodology. I believe that it has much to do with talents and abilities.
Assessing the levels or number of dimensions that your PI people are utilizing is a great way to judge the complexity of their thinking and competence with the tools at hand.
As is true in the "real world"...Linear thinkers are "child-like" in the PI world, YES...they are child-like! I actually see it as a temporal permanence issue...If I close my disappears! If it isn't done my isn't PI! SO SAD!
As one moves in 2 directions, simultaneously, they are maturing...3 dimensional thinking (global methodologies) tend to indicate young adults...beyond that is where wisdom truly lies!
The 21st century methodology is 3 dimensional; with the ability to expand beyond. Very few activities are linear in nature and are linked (directly or indirectly) to eachother. Nothing is independent or stand alone!
Each activity feeds all those around itself...and the interesting thing is...all of the other activities are around it!
Although the activities are grouped into phases...this is only to make it a bit easier for individuals to understand...
Classic methodologies provide classic answers at classic speeds of deliveries...
The 21st century methodology is designed to meet the needs of a quantum society...
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