Saturday, July 24, 2010

Triz vs The New Brass Ring

Triz is an amazing and powerful methodology. 

It is powerful because its development was driven by data and insight...

It is amazing because the thought behind it was an example of cutting-edge thought...perhaps a bit ahead of its time...

Those who have grasped the real power of Triz are a rare group, because you can not be effective in Triz with a superficial knowledge of it.  The real power comes from one's ability to apply the generalized Triz concepts to the issue at hand.

Many superficial practitioners totally miss the boat with Triz because they do not possess the ability to draw the abstract parallels between the categories and the issue.  Triz remains abstract by its very nature...BUT...

It is the forefather of "Solution-based" problem solving.  For the real masters of is more than enough to handle organizational issues...

The New Brass Ring...leverages the categorizations developed in Triz to drive its solutions (key word) searches...

The differences between the Brass Ring and Triz start at this point.  In driving solutions...The Brass Ring recognizes the need for additional decomposition of the problem (normally People/Process/Technology).  So rather than 40 or so solution sets...the Brass Ring (at the intermediate decomposition level) is about 120 possibilities. 

This sounds daunting...but like Triz, many of the possibilities are not applicable and can be quickly (immediately) rejects, so the search list narrows by logical design.

An understanding of Triz is important to the effect application of the New Brass Ring.

Then it is important to be able to convert the Triz categories into applicable search terms for the Brass Ring...

As the books states...evolution seldom totally rejects genes or DNA.  It evolves it systematically.

The New Brass Ring carries some of the DNA from one of its forefathers...Triz and proudly so...

Is it different from Triz? 

Only about as much as you are different from your grandfather or father...


Friday, July 23, 2010

Is it Worth the Wait?

My long awaited book...The New Brass Ring - DMADD , Process Improvement for the 21st Century has been released...

As expected it is available on the publisher's website...

and on the major book retailer sites... and

If you are buying from Amazon, click on the link on the right-hand side of the will take you right to it!

This book is an introduction to DMADD.  It is not everything and not a full text book.  It is meant to set the stage for differentiating between Six Sigma, Lean, Triz and any other PI methodology.

It is different!

Showing people what I do has always what I envisioned, but didn't have the time or the energy to do so!

I finally took the time to do may called this another goal achieved...

In actuality, it is not a is another step in my journey...

As I said before, I desired to share a brief glimpse into what is really in the DMADD methodology.

It is an overview that can be only be had by fully engaging through the Cii!


I believe that it is worth the wait!

It has addressed many of the issues that the previous methodologies have...

One of the biggest issues has been the presence of individuals who claim to be practitioners and can't begin to use the methodology!

That is one of the reasons that the book does not lay out the entire methodology...

Cii maintains the only certification of practitioners.

I am also completing a blog about the difference between Triz and DMADD.

It will post shortly!

I think that if you read the'll quickly see the differences!

The thing I love about the methodology is that it provides low risk solutions...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

DA "MADD" Man!

One of the pre-press reviewers of my latest book "The New Brass Ring" (ISBN 976-1-60911-613-2) prosaically wrote that "...the unveiling of the DMADD methodology can be likened to a glorious sunrise over a tumultuous ocean...the dawn of a new day in Process Improvement"  These are kind words...AND I would like to believe so!

DMADD (Define/Measure/Analyze/Develop/Deliver) is not a new concept, but an offspring from a lineage of parents that can be traced to the earliest ancestors of process improvement.  Darwin would be proud!  Another example of evolution!

A cool thing about does not create perfection...just better!  The DMADD methodology is not perfect, but it does address many of the weaknesses of its forefathers and has adapted to the environment that threatens the Process Improvement species!  Like our children, it inherently leverages the benefits of the information age, rather than depending on an easily ignored, "add-on, after the fact," tool set to capture available information. 

Moreover, it goes beyond simple "Cause/Effect," to "Cause/Effect/Impact" allowing for a more meaningful assessment of driving relationships...and...

Its decision making tool adds a 3rd element to "Opportunity/Effort" (a simple ROI) " making it truly more applicable to real decision-making...

What more do we need to make decisions in this century?" you may ask.

The answer is "Risk."  This provides a more representative set of characteristics used in decision making.  In fact from my experience and research..."Risk" is the strongest determinant in decision-making and it is seldom quantified beyond a "gut feeling."

I am excited about the NBR and its methodology.  Define/Measure/Analyze/Develop/Deliver (DMADD) is more attuned to the way Process Improvement people should be working.  It is the way that management should be thinking!  Organizations don't want or need CULTURAL CHANGE!  They need RESULTS that move them from Surviving to Thriving...anything less is a waste of time!

Some may argue that this is simply a variant of the DMAIC methodology.  IT IS NOT!

I have been a constant practitioner of Six Sigma nearly since its beginnings!  I recognized and taught it as an analytical based methodology and actually classified it as a "discovery based methodology" early on!  I mentored my students to seek the "eureka moment!"

DMAIC is a "Discovery-based" problem solving methodology.  It utilizes the benefits of the scientific methods (hypothesis testing) to identify the causes and the level of contribution (correlation) to the given effect(s).  Although effective, those practitioners that are weak in statistics do more harm than good.  Those that are good in statistics often get caught up in the beauty of the analysis.  There is seldom a middle ground. Six Sigma got a bad reputation from individuals who did not know the methodology deeply enough to know when it was time to make a decision...enough said about they analyzed it to death out of fear for being seen as incompetent...the others analyzed it to death out of the pure joy of analysis...and missed the results!

DMADD is a "Solutions-based" problem solving methodology.  Thanks to Six Sigma and the information-age driven marketplace itself, in all but a very few cases, "the answer is out there!"  (sounds like X-files!).  In fact...there are sometimes hundreds of possible answers!  We just need to find it (them) and determine which of the myriad of solutions has the greatest chance (least risk) of providing the required results!  AND adapt it to the current need and implement it and adjust until it provides the desired results...

The central tool driving this is called the "Solutions Tree."

Over the course of the next few months, we'll address some of the concerns and issues...

I am already hearing that many practitioners are threatened by the dawning of DMADD.  These are the very people who promote...(actually...mandate...) "embracing change" yet when something new comes along...the "not invented here" demon from within them crawls out of the depths of their true character!

To them...I say...what we need is results...stop touting the need for cultural change...and all of that fluffy stuff...give the companies what you promised and stop wasting their money...

It saddens me to have a good thing attacked rather than welcomed...

These are the same people who probably watch a beautiful sunrise and rue the morning!

Time will show the true colors of these people...I did not create this methodology to make any methodology fact it is just another weapon in the PI arsenal, that we can use to effectively and efficiently address process and performance problems...

It will not and can not apply to every situation...

There are still situations where Lean or Six Sigma will still be more effective...

There are still situations where TQM works best...

I could go on with many examples...

The fact of the matter is...

I have become "Da-MADD" man and I am proud of it...because I have been able to consistently able to provide better results faster and less costly!  Isn't that what companies want?

If you want to find out more about DMADD...The New Brass Ring is here...get it!