Saturday, July 24, 2010

Triz vs The New Brass Ring

Triz is an amazing and powerful methodology. 

It is powerful because its development was driven by data and insight...

It is amazing because the thought behind it was an example of cutting-edge thought...perhaps a bit ahead of its time...

Those who have grasped the real power of Triz are a rare group, because you can not be effective in Triz with a superficial knowledge of it.  The real power comes from one's ability to apply the generalized Triz concepts to the issue at hand.

Many superficial practitioners totally miss the boat with Triz because they do not possess the ability to draw the abstract parallels between the categories and the issue.  Triz remains abstract by its very nature...BUT...

It is the forefather of "Solution-based" problem solving.  For the real masters of is more than enough to handle organizational issues...

The New Brass Ring...leverages the categorizations developed in Triz to drive its solutions (key word) searches...

The differences between the Brass Ring and Triz start at this point.  In driving solutions...The Brass Ring recognizes the need for additional decomposition of the problem (normally People/Process/Technology).  So rather than 40 or so solution sets...the Brass Ring (at the intermediate decomposition level) is about 120 possibilities. 

This sounds daunting...but like Triz, many of the possibilities are not applicable and can be quickly (immediately) rejects, so the search list narrows by logical design.

An understanding of Triz is important to the effect application of the New Brass Ring.

Then it is important to be able to convert the Triz categories into applicable search terms for the Brass Ring...

As the books states...evolution seldom totally rejects genes or DNA.  It evolves it systematically.

The New Brass Ring carries some of the DNA from one of its forefathers...Triz and proudly so...

Is it different from Triz? 

Only about as much as you are different from your grandfather or father...


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